Following an emergency meeting held today being Tuesday, 19th April, 2022, between the Principal Officers of the Institution and Deans of Schools to further assess the level of preparations and related challenges on the First Semester Examinations of the current session, the meeting came to a painful conclusion that the earlier two days adjustment would not be enough to overcome all the identified challenges.
Consequently, the examinations are hereby shifted by one week All Staff and Students are therefore to note that the examinations will now commence on Tuesday, 26th April, 2022 Also note that the exam papers would be taken as arranged in the earlier released time-table except for the change of dates and the dates to be affected by public holidays The time and venues remain unchanged.
Students who have not completed their registration earlier or who have not appeared before the Screening Committee or who have appeared but have not submitted their files are now enjoined to use this window of opportunity to do so between now and 12:00 midnight on Thursday, 21 April, 2022 when the portal will be closed.
Please note also that all Students including Spill-Over Students would be required to present their current Identity Cards and Examination Cards before they are allowed to sit for examinations.
Once again, we apologize for the inconveniences this decision might have caused.
This memo supersedes the earlier one released yesterday, Monday, 18th April, 2022
comment for clear details